Friday, April 2, 2010

Looking for something...

So here we are...home again! Back to just two kids, my own house, no van. Life is good. However, I am finding that I enjoy my life a bit more when I am running around busy, busy, busy. I'm not sure what I should do but I am finding that facing the same tasks day after day gets a bit, well, boring.

Brayten asks me each day, "What are you going to do today?" Often it is the same answer. We find ourselves cleaning the house, laundry, playing, dishes, and playing again. Mix in a few diaper changes, a bit of crying, possible whining, and that is my day.

Now I don't want you to think that I do not enjoy myself as a mom, I absolutely love it! But I feel a bit stagnant. My brain is on vacation and is ready to get back to work. I don't know what to do. I need to make the opportunity to occupy myself with something every once in a while and I am not sure what to do.

So for the time being I will keep looking...I'll let you know when I find it.

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