Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day, City Creek 2010

The Wilding's have an awesome family tradition, we celebrate Memorial Day up City Creek Canyon. We have done this my whole life, in fact I learned yesterday that the Wilding's have been going to City Creek every year for the past 38 years. It is always so much fun and a good time to see all of the family and be reminded of everyone's names. Not really, but almost. There are a ton of us. My grandparents had nine children. Most of those nine had quite a few children themselves...Actually let me count. Dave had six, Dan had four, Tom had three, Wade had four, Steve had two, Shirley had four, Collette had six, Karen had five, and Wendy had five. So that is 39 first cousins. We are all growing up now and having children of our own. Much to say the least the Wilding's are procreating faster than we are dying off. So it is a lot of people but a lot of fun!

Tommy had a blast! He is such a boy...He loves anything and everything that makes him dirty or stinky. He actually caught his first two fish ever and was absolutely ecstatic! In fact he loved those fish so much that he said he wanted to hang them on his wall. Oh boy...that would look really nice. We actually ended up with a lot of tears as we cooked up those trout for dinner. We did make a compromise though and told him we would hang a picture of him with his fish on his wall. So hopefully that satisfies him for the time being. Unfortunately it appears that Brayten has done irreparable damage to our little guy and he will inevitably be a hill-billy.

Anyway, City Creek was a blast... I'm already looking forward to next year.

1 comment:

megwild said...

So cute. Wish we could have spent more time hanging out this year (stupid cough). Oh, and I haven't forgotten your sneaky ways....watch your back, sista.