Thursday, March 11, 2010

Boise Blast!

A couple of months ago my brother called me and asked a big favor. Would I mind coming to his house and watching his girls while he and his wife went on a trip to Israel? Of course he gave me time to think about my decision...and of course I said yes. I actually have a fatal flaw, an inability to say no to much of anything. So I said yes... As I was preparing for this adventure I was a bit apprehensive, well more than a bit I was extremely nervous. Five adult...I knew I would be a bit out numbered.

But alas we've now been here a week with one week to go. And while I miss my hubby, like crazy, I'm glad I said yes. We are having a great time and Tommy is loving his cousins, a bit too much sometimes (they are starting to act like siblings). But all in all it has been successful.
I have learned one thing though with five women in the house it is kind of like an extended session of beauty parlor. I've had to watch You Tube to learn how to do hair, it has been way fun. I find that I love it when a six year old thinks her hair is, "way, way, way cute!" I get self esteem when my twelve year old neice comes home from school and said, "Even the adults commented on my hair today and how cool it was!" I have also learned that I am more adept at creating mohawks than pig tails but I need the practice, eventually Maddie will need a stylist, but for now she is a member of the bald club.

Well it has been a lot of fun and unfortunately for my neices I've had to corrupt them with my obsession with American Idol...I love it, I admit it...too much. It was cute though my twelve year old neice said last night as we were engulfed with AI, "Hey that lady sounds like Dori." I thought it was great that I could say, "That is Dori!" They were all so excited. Then my six year old neice said, "Steph you can sing really good probably because you watch this show all the time." Well...hmmmm...I'm not totally sure American Idol has helped me that much with my singing but I love it, I love it, I love it.
Anyway, for now, all is well in Boise...I did have my brother write down the address to the emergency room just in case though...We are all Wilding's here (even the McGee's have a bit in them) you never know what could happen!


Misty said...

Amazing hair! Hello??! Please give me lessons.

megwild said...

Wow.taking care of 5 kids, learning to do hair, and posting on your blog. You are superwoman.

Stephanie said...

Five kids has been crazy but lots of fun! I actually am learning that maybe I could have more children if they are spread out a bit. Having a twelve year old really helps.

Misty...I'm all about You Tube. These were not my ideas.