Thursday, January 28, 2010

Our Little Girl

Our little Madison is growing so fast, too fast. Although, to be honest, I can't wait until she starts sleeping through the night consistently. She actually has slept through the night once but then she made up for it the next night by waking up twice. Which really you're probably thinking, two times, that's not a big deal. Well unfortunately Madison struggles with the whole burping thing. So I feed her for about twenty minutes, then I burp her for about thirty minutes, and finally I put her back in her bed where she usually squirms around a bit more because alas I didn't burp her long enough. Usually each feeding session takes me about an hour. So two feedings...that's two hours much missed in the night.
She is a sweet heart though...The best thing is watching Tommy interact with her. A day doesn't go by without Tommy saying, "Mom, I love her so, so, so, so much!" Or, "Mom, I love her tons and tons!" It is very cute. However, yesterday Tommy said, "Mom, when is she going to start playing toys with me?" I think the little man is in dire need of a playmate who is not his mother.
Much to say the least being a mom is awesome, exhausting, frustrating, and on occassion miserable, but awesome. I cherish the good times and attempt to be patient through the rough times. Well I better wrap this up, Tommy is poking my shoulder and asking me to "play blocks" with him. Good times.

1 comment:

Misty said...

Oh, Steph ... those pictures! So, so beautiful. You are a talented woman, both in taking pictures and in making cute kids. :)