Sunday, May 29, 2011

Another Week Down

Today was my first day as Primary President. Well actually my title more appropriately should be Primary President, Primary Secretary, Teacher, Chorister, Pianist, and Nursery Leader. I finished working up my lesson, music time, and sharing time last night and said to Brayten, "This is a bit more work than the one lesson I used to prepare, every other week, for six four year olds." However, I am glad for the distraction. It gives me a goal, a motivation, something to work on and improve. So I enjoyed it today, it was pretty good. Although, I did like Sacrament Meeting even better. The Branch President finished up the meeting with a short talk. A few of the words he used were, "Dag Gummit," oh yeah and in reference to paying tithing, "Sometimes we just need to pull up your boot straps and keep truckin." AWESOME!

Actually a lot of the people here make me smile, everyday, as I listen to them speak. The other day at Walmart (which is soon becoming my favorite store here in Guymon...oh wait, it's the only store here in Guymon) I was purchasing a frozen pizza for a pizza and movie night with the kids. The checker said to me, "Ya'll like them there pizzas?"

I said, "Yeah we do, they are pretty good."

She said, "Well I bin watchin their mercials on TV and I been fixin to try em. I reckon I bitter git one today."

I smiled and thought in my head, "Well I reckon you bitter get em specially if you bin fixin to try em for so long."

Despite the way they talk...the people here are genuinely nice people.

Well this week has been pretty good. The theme I would have to say has been SPIDERS, SPIDERS, SPIDERS. I know, I know, I probably have whined about this already but the spiders here are more like small rodents. When you squash them it is like squashing a toddler mouse with bones crunching and all.

Tommy has become my little spider patrol. And if you'll recall Tommy is quite expressive when he is excited. Ever since he learned sign as a baby he often adds a little "flair" with his hands as he speaks. If he sees a big, nasty spider he comes running, with a facial expression of pure malice and creepy, crawly hands, and says, "Mom there's a huge spider, right there!!! Get the spray!" Yeah, that's right, they make them so big out here that unless I have some big, steal toed boots on to squash them I have to kill them with the spider spray. We purchased a 1.33 gallon Home Defense Max spider's half gone.

Two days ago the kids came in from playing outside. Maddie tripped as she came in and I saw for the briefest of moments something fall from her hands and go skittering across the floor. She quickly snatched it back up. With absolute horror and dread I ran to her, pried her sweet, little, pink hand open, and shook the nasty, almost giant spider from her hand. Then squashed it with my shoe. Ugh, that's all I have to say about that. But heaven be thanked, she did not get bit, because out here the spiders don't just bite they pull up a table and chair, grab their carving knife, and gobble you up for dinner.

This whole time I have been telling Brayten about all of these spiders I have been fiercely battling. He has graciously acted concerned but often with doubt shining in his eyes. "They can't be that big," he's thinking, I'm sure. So this morning I got up first so I could get all ready for church without taking care of the kids at the same time. I went to go and shower, opened the bathroom door, and HELLO THERE GIANT NASTY SPIDER. I swear this spider was almost the size of Texas...literally. So I went and pulled Brayten out of bed to have him witness the horror.

"Holy crap," he said. Right there, your witness, these spiders are B-I-G and in the words of Oklahomans, "Nuf said."

I asked him if he wanted the spray and just as any brave man would say, "Nah, I'll just use some toilet paper."

"Bad idea," I thought.

He crouched toward the bohemoth and with the stealth of a cobra squashed it. As the bones began to crunch hundreds of little, evil, baby spiders evacuated from their mama. Skittering their little specks all over the bathroom floor. We both refrained from screaming...but just barely. Subsequently I have now emptied another quarter of spider spray around the house but concentrating mainly in the bathroom.

Well so far so good, another week down. We've survived spiders, severe wind warnings, and the hot Oklahoma sun. We love you and miss you!!! All of you! Even you Greg...I know, I know, no more mushy stuff but I do!

Here are a few pix for your viewing pleasure...until next time...Love to all!


Misty said...

I literally screamed when I read that! Major heebie jeebies. Oh, Steph. And what better woman to handle the entire primary herself? Your many talents will be used to full capacity. :)

You guys need to take a picture of the giant spiders.

Stephanie said...

Yeah the spiders are absolutely terrible but I'm sure we'll survive!

Hey speaking of talents I may be calling you for some tips on Primary Programs. I hope you don't mind.


megwild said...

spiders aren't bad....get over it (ha ha ha). I'll stick with my little black widows in the garage and be grateful.